We celebrate the fact that we belong to Christ in body and soul, in life and death

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Have you traveled far, friend? We have come a long way, too. For over 160 years the members of our church have traveled through this world as members of this community. How could we make it so far, for so long?

The Biblical answer to that question greets every worshiper. Etched onto the wall behind the pulpit are the words of 1 Samuel 7:12: “Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.” “Hitherto” means “thus far.” The Lord is the One Who has helped us continue to love Him and serve Him. Many joys, tragedies, challenges, and changes have occurred in our church, culture, and country. Yet, through all those years one thing remains the same: Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever.

We need the salvation from our sin that only Jesus has won for us. Through Biblical worship, study, and fellowship, we continue to celebrate the fact that our only comfort in life and in death is that we belong to our faithful Savior Jesus Christ. We invite you to join us in learning that truth and living it out in a life of thankfulness, for as many years as we may travel together in this world.

Your Servant in Christ,

Rev. James Grossmann

Our Name

“Salem Ebenezer” means “peace” and “rock of help.” Our German Reformed ancestors found God’s peace and His constant rock of help as they established this congregation in 1854.

“Reformed” identifies us as members of the Reformed Church in the U.S. (RCUS), whose roots go back to the 16th Century Protestant Reformation. God raised up men like Luther, Zwingli, Knox, and Calvin, who reformed the Church according to the Word of God alone. They recaptured the eternal truths that Christ alone is our full Savior, Who saves us by grace alone through faith alone, all to the glory of God alone.

“Church” identifies us as a congregation of believers in a specific location, who have as the Head and leader of the church Jesus Christ. Our authority in all matters comes from Him, through His teachings as found in the 66 books of the Holy Bible.

Our Faith

Ours is a faith which knows that we need the Lord’s help. One thing every member has in common is that our sin and misery are great. Our only comfort in life and in death is that we are redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. He paid the full price for our sins and now He renews our hearts through His Holy Spirit, so that we can go forth and live lives that are thankful to God for our redemption. That is the summary of our teaching from the Heidelberg Catechism, which together with the Belgic Confession and the Canons of Dort form our Three Forms of Unity. These identify us as not only united to other congregations in our particular denomination, but to Christians throughout the ages who have understood the Biblical faith in terms of our precious Reformed doctrine.

Your Invitation

We invite you and urge you to join us as we worship and praise our awesome God each Lord’s Day. We have only one purpose in coming to you – to tell you of the salvation that God has given in Jesus Christ, so you too may have the peace and joy that God has given us. We are Christians today because someone, at some time, told us the Good News. For that same purpose we come to you.